Tumbleweed Pictures is determined to be a bright light and a positive influence as we continue to navigate the pandemic. We are working to help organizations create a more equitable landscape. We're not only coming up with safe ways to film and produce original content, but we're using "The Other Boys of Summer" to create spaces for courageous conversations.
In the wake of the events of 2020 it is undeniable that racial and social inequities are plaguing America. There is no simple solution. Filmmaker, Lauren Meyer has chosen to lean in to the challenge and use her critically acclaimed film "The Other Boys of Summer" to be a conversation starter.
During the first half of 2021 The Other Boys of Summer Diversity, Equity & Inclusion program continued to provide value to organizations of all kinds. Some of the companies and communities we've recently worked with include NBC, Dick's Sporting Goods, The NY Mets, Citi, The Wichita Public Library, Arizona Diamondbacks, Delta Dental, Texas Rangers and Chicago Cubs. We've witnessed people of all ages and races engaging in vibrant and inclusive conversations about race, social justice and ally-ship, in person and virtually. After every program we're greeted with comments from attendees saying, "we need more of this".
As we look towards the second half of 2021 Tumbleweed Pictures is beginning to offer in person and hybrid programs, keeping health and safety a top priority. We're also excited about taking on new clients and creative projects. We want to help you tell stories, expand your reach and increase value.
Here's what we do and a few groups we're recently enjoyed teaming up with. Let us know how we can help you craft original video content and raise the bar.