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  • Writer's pictureTumbleweed Pictures

Celebrating The Negro Leagues

We began 2020 by celebrating the civil rights pioneers of the Negro Leagues. The Other Boys of Summer, a documentary we produced, is being used as a Diversity & Inclusion, Team Building program by corporations, schools and organizations of all kinds. It's very rewarding to see the positive impact we're making while we celebrate the Negro Leagues.

TPG kicked off their Black History Month at the Museum of Art and Design in NYC with The Other Boys of Summer. The event was streamed to their offices in London, Fort Worth and San Francisco. We spent February 13 (the 100th anniversary of the signing of the charter) in Atlanta sharing The Other Boys of Summer with AT&T. They also live streamed the program to employees around the country. Negro Leaguer Bob Scott joined us in person. We were joined by baseball royalty at a very special event at The Yogi Berra Museum in NJ. Willie Randolph, Harold Reynolds, Pedro Sierra (Negro Leaguer) and Bob Kendrick (President of the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum) accompanied Filmmaker/Director Lauren Meyer (Tumbleweed Pictures) for a panel discussion following the film.

Lauren also returned to MLB Network for another guest appearance on "Hot Stove".

We did 5 programs in Spartanburg, SC. The community came together and engaged in powerful conversations. The program was embraced by the Spartanburg HS where it reached approximately 2000 people. We shared the legacy with the city of Rocky Mount, NC and celebrated the Centennial with the community. The Buck Leonard Association brought together a panel of diverse individuals to reflect on the film and engage in conversation.

The Braves and the Metro Atlanta Chamber both enjoyed our program. Braves President and CEO Derek Schiller introduced the film at their event at The Gathering Spot. The evening included many former MLB players as well as baseball teams from local Colleges and Universities and other guests.

We have many more exciting events on the calendar and look forward to sharing our Diversity and Inclusion program. We're always talking with other companies and creatives about new productions.. Loving what we do and looking forward to the future.


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